Assignment 2
By: Mohd Azamudin Bin Baharudin
Matrix Number: 2005670802
In CALL (Computer Assisted in Language Learning) subject, the use of computer does important as a medium for language learning. In modern technology, the innovation in education has implemented the use of various types of learning tools in language learning activities as well. As for example, the use of website in online learning has become a popular tool for learner in acquiring the language. Linking with the important of this tool, the activities of language learning can be more interesting especially for the Malaysian students nowadays.
ESL Website
Question 1 : What does the application attempt to “teach”?
The website created by Susan Schneider offers great opportunities for the language learner. The website did cover all the important aspects of language learning such as English skills, games, extra information and some additional links that are beneficial for the ESL learners as well. There are aspects of the website that are Fall Class Party, Level 2/3, Level 4, Online Dictionaries, Extra Practice, Grammar, Reading, Listening, Pronunciation, Writing, Vocabulary, Study Options, International Recipes, American Holiday and Community Information. The use of these variety aspects did enhance the learner to master the skills in acquiring the language and receiving the general information that are beneficial for them. As for example, in grammar section, there is a video in present continuous tense section where the students can use the video as a tool to understand more about the tense. More of the section has the information about the things that learner will be learned and followed by the various types of exercise in it. All in all, I can see that the website link from one section to another as the students will be able to master the language skills easily as well. In addition, the use of follow up exercise will strengthen the students understanding even from the basic until the hardest level.
Question 2: What sorts of things is the application user expected to do with regards to learning the content?
The website itself does not apply the things that will burden the learner. Related to this statement, I would agree that the website gives the opportunity to the students to choose which section that they like and use to improve. By having this opportunity, we can see the advantage of this website is making the learner enjoyed and find that learning English is easy as well. The arrangements of the levels did allow the learner to see the improvement while using the website. All they need is to click on the sections that interest them. In addition, the website did also emphasis in CCTS (Creative and Critical Thinking Skills) where the needs of critical thinking by learner especially in reading and writing components. This is how the website enhances the use of technology in making the English learning simpler and easier for learner as well.
Question 3: What sorts of computer skills is the application users expected to have in order to operate/access/use the application?
This is one of the advantages of this website that I like to highlight on. The use of basic to intermediate computer skills is enough for the learner to complete and follow the learning activities. The user just need to click, drag the answer, using the mouse, and most of the exercise did ask learner to type the answers. For intermediate skills, the knowledge of browsing the internet and use some of the application on the website is enough for the learner. As far as I am concern, most of the time the learner just click and type the answer in the blank. As a conclusion, I do agree that the website is user friendly and make the learning English language become simpler to learner.
Question 4: While you are “playing”/”accessing”/”assessing” the application, does it remind you of anything you do in a classroom, or with a teacher, or with a fellow classmate, or in self-study?
Actually, I did not use any websites link or online application during my practicum weeks. This is because, I didn’t even notice about using the application before. What can I tell about is the use of books or traditional teaching might suit my teaching because I am trained to feel the realistic classroom teaching. I just use the computer for video viewing activity. But then, after I realized about the broad usage of this application to teach, I definitely will choose this as a medium for my future students to learn English better. As well as I’m concern, I’ve experienced using this application during my self study only. It’s mean that I use it as a preparation for my activities and lesson plan. In future, to make it more interesting, I would rather use the website to enhance the students learning as well.
Question 5: Can you pinpoint some theories of language learning and /or teaching underlying the application?
The theory that involves in this ESL website is Communicative Language Teaching. I can see that the website did emphasis the various English components as the medium in learning the language. Actually, the Communicative Language Teaching theory focuses on all of the components such as grammatical, discourse, functional, sociolinguistic and strategic. Besides that, language teaching is also designed to engage learners in the pragmatic and authentic use of language for meaningful purposes. It means that the purpose of study or learning the language has to deal with the aim of the learner themselves. Other than that, students are given the opportunities to focus on their own learning process through understanding of their own styles. In addition, the role of teacher is that of facilitator and guide for the learners, (Brown, 2000). All of the characteristics of Communicative Language Teaching theory above are closely related to this ESL website, which somehow teaches the learners to create an independent yet meaningful learning. This was shown in the website where the learner has the ability to use the website independently based on their needs and interest. As a conclusion, this theory is beneficial for the ESL learners especially to be implied in our Malaysian students. As a result, the learner will not just totally depending on their teacher to give them the knowledge and it will necessarily avoid the ‘spoon feeding’ in classroom teaching as well. Next, the website did also include the motivational theory in teaching for the students to improve and have the sense of competing each others. We can find it in the language games sections. This is very important because the learner might set up their target to have the highest mark while doing or enjoy the games. By instilling the intrinsic or extrinsic motivation, the students will definitely try to reach the top of the score or gain the positive feedback as well. Most of the activities and games include the intrinsic motivation by giving good feedbacks for the learners such as ‘try again, correct, good try and congratulation’. Although the reward is unseen, however, ‘intrinsically motivated behaviors are aimed at bringing about certain internally rewarding consequences, namely, feelings of competence and self-determination’ (Brown, 2000). Therefore, the use of motivation is highlighted clearly for the user to follow the website.
Question 6: How well is the constructivist theory of learning applied to the chosen website(s)?
To deal with this question, I would like to have Jean Piaget theory about the cognitive thinking of children based on different stages. It is stated that the Preoperational stage, occurs between the ages of 7 and 11 years and is characterized by the appropriate use of logic. Jean Piaget did mention that at this stage, the children can think logically and differentiate the good or bad as well. There are several processes of the stages where the children will be able to deal with seriation, classification, decentering, reversibility, conversation and elimination of egocentrism. Based on the website, the reading activity does linked to the theory because the needs of critical thinking made by the user to answer the question. The exercises prepared are based on their own thought and open-ended questions. Thus, this website really integrates the characteristics of constructivist theory for the second language learner in order to acquire the target language.
Question 7: In 1980s and early 1990s, there was a major debate on whether the computer was “master” of or “slave” to the learning process (Higgins and Johns, 1984). In relation to your evaluation – was the computer a replacement for teachers, or merely an obedient servant to students?
In my humble opinion, I accept that computer is just a slave to the learning process. This is because human was the pioneer in building the computer as well. Most of the function in computer has to deal with the human knowledge and technology ability. In education, I agree that a computer is important for the global education nowadays. It is important in the sense of accompany the students activity in learning. In addition, the teacher was the one who monitors the activities in class. The computer will no longer can be used in the classroom teaching if the teacher doesn’t apply it in class. For me, both teacher and computer have their interrelation between each other in order to make the education to be accomplished successfully.
Question 8: Would you like to use the application yourself in your future work?
Personally, I will definitely use the application in my class in the future. This is because; I find out that the application was useful in the sense of having the different learning activity for my students as well. In addition, the activity in the website may capture the interest of my students because there are games, video and other application that seem totally from the traditional teaching tools. It is very important to use the technology in teaching because most of the students nowadays are very particular about what they received in the class. In addition, regarding the website, I can see that all the important elements are included such as clear instructions, colorful language games, attractive images, interesting activities and able to cater the learners’ ability in English language. The application did also decrease the teachers’ work as all the activities have been set up in the website. The teacher just monitors and discusses the answer verbally with the students as well.
Question 9: Suggestions/Recommendations
All in all, I found that the website is beneficial in a way of giving the knowledge, teaching the language to students and improving the students’ thoughts about the language itself. But, to conclude the evaluation, I just want to browse my attention to the two aspects that I think should be improved on by Susan. Firstly, I would suggest that the owner of the website who is Susan to make the front page of the website to look more interesting. I think that the combination of colours and putting some pictures can browse the attention of learner especially in ‘home’ section. The first impression might be a kick start to go further to the next section as well. Next, I would suggest using more videos in the website because, for me, the beginner level would learn best in visual compared to reading activities. As a conclusion, the website can be improved more in order to capture the positive feedback from the user as well. In Malaysian education context, it is very useful and I would give an ‘A’ for the website.
Brown, H. D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching (4th ed.). New York: Pearson Education.
Santrock, J.W. (2006). Educational Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill Higher Education